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для чего нужен Vista Toolbar и как им пользоваться?


New Member
26 Май 2011
для чего нужен Vista Toolbar и как им пользоваться?
Vista Toolbar Icon это коллекция иконок в стиле Windows Vista в форматах GIF, BMP, ICO и PNG (вперед, назад, поиск, сохранить, восстановить, zoom, вправо-влево, удалить. Может пригодиться прежде всего разработчикам ПО.

Если знакомы с английском, то можете подробно прочитать:
Vista Toolbar Icons - Vista Toolbar Icons provide a remarkable collection of stock icons carried out in Vista style. The fine-looking icon set will reshape your interface by giving it a modern and reliable view.
You will feel the difference of your new interface right away as it will start looking respectable and shine with wonderfully-crafted icons, which will add credibility to your enterprise's image.

Vista Toolbar Icons will benefit anyone who wants to stand out from a dull standard interface but prefer not to spend too much time on a thorough organization of the workspace. With this marvelous set of stock icons you can be sure that your interface is up-to-date and stylish, which will certainly underline the trustworthiness of any of your activities. The icons are inspiring as they look really modern showing that you keep in touch with the course of latest trends.

You will appreciate that the icons are delivered in a variety of sizes, such as 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48 and in two color depth variants; they are 256 colors and 32 bit. You won't have to use any additional programs to change the parameters of icons after you purchase them, you can simply order the desirable size and color depth right away, it's convenient!

Aha-Soft plans to release the next icon packs also: Perfect Application Icons, Perfect Professional Icons, Perfect Button Icons, Perfect Trash Icons, Perfect Factory Icons, Perfect Love Icons, Perfect Software Icons, Perfect Stock Icons, Perfect Cool Icons, Perfect Developer Icons.

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